
Our learning resources offer tools and resources for capacity building tailored cooling companies, operators, and farmers.

Comic Strip for farmers:

The comic highlights how cooling preserves crop quality, leading to better prices for farmers. It also explains the affordable access to cold storage through a Cooling-as-a-Service model.

Operator's Manual

The Operator's manual serves as a day-to-day guide for managing the cold room, providing instructions on temperature control and crop care in a multi-commodity environment.

Coldtivate’s Digital Twin and Time-to-pick-up model?

Learn about the digital food twins and time-to-pick-up model used in Coldtivate to predict the remaining storage life of crops in the cold room.

Transforming Agriculture through Cooling-as-a-Service:

Explore how the Cooling-as-a-Service model works and develop a pricing strategy tailored for agricultural cold room operations.

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